Thursday, March 17, 2016

Dubel Party of 4

 A lot of people have asked how we’re doing as a family of four. How is Emily as a big sister? Has the transition been easy? Are we getting any sleep?

Proud big sister meeting baby brother for the first time.
Honestly, the transition has been and is still difficult. Emily is a wonderful big sister when she wants to be. Some days she wants to love on brother, and other days she avoids him like the plague. Those are the days I fear because those are the days she acts out. My smart, intelligent, articulate three-year-old starts acting like a baby. She starts crying about every little thing, she tries to talk like a baby (grunting unintelligible things), all while trying to be an independent child who could care less about the rules. Now I know that three-year-olds are difficult to begin with, and her world has been turned upside down numerous times in past two months or so, but it is starting to take a toll on all of us. Almost every day is a power struggle, and although I know her strong will and independence will be amazing qualities when she is older, right now it is difficult. Before having a three-year-old I heard awful things about “terrible twos.” Three makes two look like a walk in the park now. Have you hear of a threenager? That’s exactly what we have on our hands right now. Being three is hard, being three with a new brother is a whole new ball game. 

She can be the biggest helper, and sweetest sister.
Learning to co-exist, and how we need to be gentle with babies.
Kisses for brother on Valentine's Day.

Sleep. What is that? I never knew what sleep deprivation was until I had Travis. I know now how INCREDIBLY lucky we were with Emily as a newborn, well really until she was about 18 months and we moved back to the states. Emily was the perfect baby. She stuck to a predictable schedule, was sleeping through the night (7-8 hours) when she was 6 weeks old, and by about 12 weeks old she was sleeping 12 hours a night. We. Were. LUCKY! Travis has been all over the place. Part of it, I think, is because he has had digestive issues, but also he is just a normal baby. Some days he sticks to a good feeding schedule, while other days he surprises me and wants to eat more often. He also LOVES to be held, rocked, and cuddled. There are many naps and nights where I need to hold him while he sleeps. 

I would never get to see these sweet little moments if he didn't want to be held when he sleeps. 

Emily was never like that and didn’t like to cuddle until she was almost two. At first I was ungrateful, and just complained more and more about being tired and how Travis never sleeps unless he is held. However, I was looking at it all wrong. I. Am. LUCKY! I have this sweet baby boy who needs me and wants me to feel secure. I am lucky! I get to watch him sleep. He scrunches his little face when he is having (what I think is) a bad dream, and he smiles quite a bit when he sleeps too. I can’t remember how Emily used to sleep when she was his age and that breaks my heart. She always slept in her bed with little to no help from us. She didn’t like to be rocked to sleep, in fact she wouldn’t fall asleep being held unless she was sick. Emily didn’t need us then like Travis needs us now. So although the sleepless nights make for difficult days, I’ll cherish being able to hold my son when he needs me too because one day he won’t need me and it will break my heart.

One month new on February 11th. His one and only monthly picture in our house in Texas.

How have we adjusted to life in Korea? Well, that post will need to wait. My babies need me now. 

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